People are often quick to judge others because of how they look. You can face unfair treatment simply because you don’t fit someone else’s idea of a “professional appearance.”
Side comments about your fashion choices or losing a promotion because of your tattoos can hurt your career and emotional well-being. You can stop appearance-based discrimination at work if you know the signs. Below are five red flags to watch out for.
Comments that cross the line
Some coworkers might claim they’re “just joking” when making remarks about your appearance. However, repeated comments about your tattoos, clothing style or physical features may constitute bullying. These comments often mask deeper discriminatory attitudes that affect your work life.
Selective dress code enforcement
You shouldn’t have to follow a different dress code or level of uniform strictness from your peers. This inconsistent enforcement could signal discriminatory practices and show unfair targeting based on looks.
Limited visibility roles
Are you qualified for projects or promotions but never get picked? Your appearance shouldn’t affect your chance to take on client-facing roles—only your skills should matter. No one should lose opportunities because they don’t match someone’s idea of the “right image.”
Unfair performance evaluations
If your reviews include vague criticisms about “unprofessional appearance” despite meeting dress codes, that’s a red flag. These subjective standards often mask biased or discriminatory attitudes and can unfairly impact career advancement opportunities.
Workplace isolation
When coworkers exclude you from meetings, work events or important projects because of how you look, that doesn’t just hurt feelings. It can also hurt your career. This isolating treatment may cause you to lose valuable opportunities to meet the right people or showcase your skills—effectively stunting your professional growth.
Stand up for your rights and protect your career
What might start as “just teasing” can seriously damage your career. If you spot these warning signs, don’t wait to act. It’s important to take action as soon as possible to stop the issue from escalating.
Remember, you have the right to fair treatment and respect at work—regardless of how you look. Consulting an experienced employment lawyer can help you protect your rights and stop the discrimination.